Invest in Whisky
High Historical Return Rate
Whisky is one the most profitable class of alternative assets. For many years, rate of return on investment in whisky have been very high, beating other alternative investments, such as rare coins, wine, art and watches. One of the indexes tracking the price of whisky at auctions-Knight Frank Rare Whisky Index gained as much as 373% in a 10-year perspective.

Source : Scotch Whisky Association
Limited whisky supply
All available data indicate that the supply of Scotch whisky is not keeping pace with growing demand. Despite the growing number of distilleries and the plans of many distilleries to increase production, it seems that the production volume is still fall behind the growing global demand. Investors from Asia have an undoubted impact on the market, according to Scotch Whisky Association, sales to Taiwan, Singapore, China In 2023 increased by 8%, 19% and 10% respectively.
Purchase of physical assets
By investing in a cask of Scotch whisky, you become the owner of physical assets. Investors receive a full description, along with information about the number and storage location of specific casks. The casks are insured and stored in HMRC Bonded Warehouse in Scotland. At guarantees storage under ideal conditions that ensure the safety and proper aging process of the cask.